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来源:wenku168.com  资料编号:WK1688077 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1688077

摘 要
齿轮泵是液压系统中最重要的动力源,在液压传动系统中应用广泛, 因此, 吸引了大量学者对其进行研究,其主要部件是内部相互啮合的一对齿轮。现代机械工程对齿轮泵提出很多新要求,如压强高、排量大、脉动低、噪音低等,所以对齿轮泵的性能分析与改进成为了很重要的课题。


Gear pump is the most important source of power in the hydraulic system, widely used in the hydraulic drive system, therefore, attracted a large number of scholars study, and its main components are a pair of gears meshing with each other by the internal。Modern mechanical engineering have made a lot of new requirements to gear pump ,such as high pressure, large displacement, low ripple and low noise, Performance Analysis and Improvement of the gear pump has become a very important issue.
The topics to gear pump for the study, summed up the characteristics of the gear pump, in-depth study of the overall structure and principle of the gear pump and UG three-dimensional modeling software, solid modeling, the flow characteristics of the gear pump, theoretical analysis and numerical calculation of the radial direction meshing force of radial direction, to provide the necessary theoretical basis for the design of gear pump. A variety of the type tooth profile of the gear pump and derive the equations of these tooth profile. Finally learn the basic theoretical knowledge of fluid dynamics, to CFD pre-processing software Gambit and post-processing software Fluent for more than five tooth profile gear pump fluid analysis, and comparison results of different tooth profile analysis were calculated flow rate of the area of the interdental, gear meshing area of flow of the gear pumpthe, and finally got the flow of the gear pump. In the case of time and speed determined to obtain flow rate of the gear pump. Structure of the external gear pump has a great influence on its internal flow field, using the fluent finite element method for solving the calculation model, comparison of the changes in the characteristics of the different tooth profile can be drawn from the corresponding advantages and disadvantages of each type of tooth profileto arrive at the best results of the analysis to improve the design of a new tooth profile on this basis.
The output characteristics of the gear pump onto the tooth profile equation and finally the theory of fluid dynamics, the use of pre-processing of software CFD Gambit and post-processing software Fluent fluid analysis more than five different tooth profile of the gear pump in the same speed, different tooth profile analysis result of that the best of booster effect is involute line tooth profile of the gear pump, and put forward some optimization program of it.

Keywords: gear pump; tooth profile; finite element method; output characteristics;  fluid analysis





摘 要    III
Abstract    IV
目录    V
1 绪论    1
1.1 齿轮泵的研究内容及意义    1
1.2 齿轮泵国内外的发展概况    1
1.3 本课题应达到的要求    3
2 齿轮泵的工作原理及三维建模    4
2.1 外啮合液压齿轮泵的工作原理    4
2.2 齿轮泵分类、用途、应用范围    4
2.2.1 齿轮泵的分类    4
2.2.2 齿轮泵的用途及应用范围    5
2.3 齿轮泵的三维建模    5
3 齿轮泵的流量特性    8
3.1 齿轮泵流量的研究    8
3.1.1 齿轮泵平均流量    10
3.1.2 齿轮泵瞬态流量    10
3.2 齿轮泵排量的研究    11
3.2.1 根据齿槽有效容积的排量计算方法    11
3.2.2 根据轮齿有效体积的排量计算方法    12
3.3 本章小结    13
4 流体动力学理论知识研究    14
4.1 流体力学简介    14
4.2 流体动力学的基本思想    14
4.3 计算流体动力学的特点    15
4.4 计算流体力学的基本步骤    15
4.5 流体力学基本方程    17
4.6 流体流动模型的确定    19
4.7 一般结构    19
4.7.1 前处理    19
4.7.2 求解器    19
4.7.3 后处理    19
4.8 本章小结    19
5 齿轮泵不同齿廓的流体动力学分析    20
5.1 Fluent简介    20
5.2 齿轮泵的流体力学分析    20
5.2.1 建立流体模型    20
5.2.2 划分流体模型的网格    20
5.2.3 设置流体模型的边界条件    20
5.3 齿轮泵不同齿廓的流体分析    21
5.3.1 渐开线齿廓齿轮泵的流体分析    21
5.3.2 余弦齿廓齿轮泵的流体分析    23
5.3.3 圆弧齿廓齿轮泵的流体分析    26
5.3.4 三齿摆线齿廓齿轮泵的流体分析    29
5.3.5 二齿摆线齿廓齿轮泵的流体分析    32
5.4 齿轮泵的结构改进设计    36
5.4.1 齿轮泵齿廓的改进    36
5.5 本章小结    39
6  结论与展望    40
6.1 课题总结    40
6.2 课题展望    40
致谢    41
参考文献    42
