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来源:wenku168.com  资料编号:WK1686195 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1686195

摘  要:会计业务流程再造是一种管理变革的创新思维,会计业务流程再造可以提高会计系统数据收集的及时性、准确性和可靠性,进而影响会计信息的相关性。对于会计业务流程再造的研究,不能仅仅从技术层面强调“根本上重新思考”或“彻底改造”,应结合企业文化、员工素质等特点, 从企业价值链的角度联系会计流程再造的关键和要素,分析内部控制与会计业务流程再造的关系,将会计业务流程再造与企业内部控制紧密结合。

Accounting Process Reengineering Based on Internal Control
Abstract:Accounting business process reengineering is a management change creative thinking and accounting business process reengineering to improve the accounting system, the timeliness of data collection, accuracy and reliability, thereby affecting the relevance of accounting information. For accounting business process reengineering studies, not only from the technical aspects of emphasis on "fundamental rethink"or"radical reform " should be combined with corporate culture, staff quality and other characteristics of the internal control and accounting business process reengineering of the relationship between the value from the enterprise Point of contact chain key accounting process reengineering and elements, the accounting business process reengineering and internal control closely.
Key words: Accounting Process; Internal control; Accounting Process Reengineering
