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来源:wenku168.com  资料编号:WK1687834 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1687834

摘  要


With the rapid development of micro-electron technology, wireless and network technology, people’s living standard has improved greatly. Nowadays, a better living environment has been requested by people, particularly in smart house. People urgently need one kind of doorbell, which is not only safe and reliable, but also convenient. Therefore the design and realization of the system of wireless doorbell becomes the research goal of this paper.
“We are happy when our friends come”. Our friends often come to see us in daily life, and we may feel very sorry if we cannot quickly open the door for them.
In a real-time single-chip microcomputer application system, microcontroller act as a core component. Chip STC89C52 has been used in this paper. Only when receiving the wireless doorbell signal, the receiver will have a response. Wireless doorbell system will have a good commercial value. A demonstration of the custom designed wireless doorbell would offer many home users more conveniences.

Key Words: Chip STC89C52; Wireless doorbell; Single-chip Microcomputer

目  录
第一章  绪论    1
1.1无线门铃出现的背景    1
1.2研究无线门铃的意义    1
第二章  系统设计的总体方案    2
2.1无线门铃的设计思路    2
2.2单片机的选定    2
2.2.1单片机的意义    2
2.2.2单片机的选型    3
2.3系统设计的任务和要求    8
第三章  系统硬件电路设计    9
3.1元器件清单    9
3.2电路设计的原理图    9
3.3电路原理分析    12
3.3.1单片机最小系统    12
3.3.2门铃按键电路    13
3.3.3无线发射和接收模块    14
3.3.4门铃播放模块    16
3.3.5系统工作原理    17
第四章  系统软件设计    18
第五章  系统调试与安装    24
5.1系统的安装    24
5.1.1焊接技术    24
5.2功能的调试    25
5.3创新思想    25
5.4调试成功的成品    26
第六章  结束语    28
参考文献    29
致  谢    30
附  录    31
附  录 A    31
