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来源:wenku168.com  资料编号:WK1688222 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1688222

摘    要
本文先简单介绍WTO中教育贸易的相关规则和我国对教育服务的具体承诺及国际教育服务贸易的现状,指出完善教育法律法规体系加快建立我国教育服务质量保障体系,放宽国内民间资本的准入领域 扩大我国教育专业服务领域的范围,发展具有比较优势的教育专业服务 加强政府对教育专业服务的指导,制定并实施来华留学生教育发展规划,发挥我国文化优势创设多元化文化氛围,然后分析了我国教育贸易的发展状况以及优、劣势;最后根据分析提出发展我国教育服务市场的对策。

【关键词】 比较优势  竞争优势  自然人流动  国民待遇

Along with the service trade becomes more and more important in the international trade, the education service trade status rapidly is also enhancing. The various countries all more and more pay attention to the development of the education trade. The international education service grows suddenly, became the integral part of their country service trade in some developed country, international educated the industrial department and the new economical point of growth which into was worthy of the reputation. Our country already joined WTO, facing this kind of situation, how develop our country international education service trade to meet the intense international education market competition day by day, thus realizes our country,s national interest is topic which is worth studying thoroughly.
This article is first simple introduced the related rule in WTO educates trade and our country to educates the service the concrete pledge and the present situation of international education service trade. Then analyzed the development condition of the educate trade in our country as well as superior, the inferiority. Finally according to the analysis proposed the develops countermeasures to educate service market of our country.

[key words]   comparative advantage  movment of natural person  national tratement

目  录
1  关于WTO与教育服务贸易    2
1.1教育服务贸易与服务贸易总协定    2
1.2我国对教育服务的具体承诺    3
1.3国际教育服务贸易的现状    4
2  分析加入WTO与中国教育服务贸易的发展    5
2.1新全球化经济的大背景下的教育全球化    5
2.2 WTO框架下我国的教育服务贸易的发展    5
2.3加入WTO我国发展国际教育服务贸易的优劣势分析    11
3  我国国际教育服务贸易的发展对策    12
3.1树立教育产业观    13
 3.2培育和完善教育服务市场体系    13
 3.3完善教育法律法规体系加快建立我国教育服务质量保障体系    13
 3.4放宽国内民间资本的准入领域 扩大我国教育专业服务领域的范围    14
3.5发展具有比较优势的教育专业服务 加强政府对教育专业服务的指导    14
3.6分类国外举办的教育机构对其进行税务管理    15
3.7制定并实施来华留学生教育发展规划    15
 3.8发挥我国文化优势创设多元化文化氛围    15
参考文献    17
致   谢    18
